2/7: RRT Board Meeting 6 PM Boundaries
3/6: RRT Board Meeting 6 PM Boundaries
4/3: RRT Board Meeting 6 PM at the park
4/13-14: Work weekend
4/17: Dean George Auction - Consignment Auction (click for link)
5/1: RRT Board Meeting 6 PM at the park
5/11-12: Work weekend
5/31-6/1: Antique Tractor Pulls
6/9/: RRT Club picnic at noon, board meeting to follow
7/6: Tobacco Town Showdown Truck & Tractor Pull
7/10: RRT Board Meeting 6 PM at the park
7/13-14: Work weekend
7/19-21 Great Midwest Pro Rodeo
8/7: RRT Board Meeting 6 PM at the park
8/10-11: Work weekend
8/24-25: Pull out weekend
8/25: Pre-show meeting following noon potluck lunch
8/31-9/5: 68th Annual RRT Show Featuring Orphans/Odd balls, Fire Trucks & Police Cars
9/7-8: Put away weekend
9/8: Board & Officer Nominations following potluck lunch
9/14-15: Work weekend
10/2: RRT Board Meeting 6 PM at the park
10/12-13: Work weekend
11/6: RRT Board Meeting: 6 PM at Boundaries Bar & Grill, Beloit in the Birch Room
1/12/25: Annual Meeting: Eat at noon, meeting at 2 pm – Boundaries Bar & Grill Beloit in the Birch Room
2024/2025 Calendar of Events